Saturday, July 28, 2007

a good morning in italy

I woke up to the bells of Santa Maria Maggiore,
the magnificent basilica around the corner,
but chose to stay in bed for a while,
resting my eyes and lying in the cool air
the morning had brought.

Our shuttered windows were flung wide open
[as they always are]
to let the breezes in.

I finally decided to get up
and go to the market
so that I could make a lovely breakfast
of eggs, toast and jam, and melon.
I listened to some tunes,
that made me want to smile,
and waited for Shawn's call to give the 'ok.'

But we're going to Calcata today,
with or without him,
to reconnect with some hippie love,
that sits on a fortressed plateau
outside of Rome.

To Calcata we went! [sadly, without Shawn]

A tiny town on a hill,
Deserted when we arrived,
[it was siesta].

We walked to the bottom of the tree-covered valley
where the river bustled through
and where we dipped our feet in
to cool off.

And it felt like we went back in time...
to see the dinosaurs...

Hardly a tourist in sight.
Just an empty piazza,
and a church in the corner,
with a clock, whose hands stopped turning
long ago.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


On the way to Firenze, we sped by Tuscany, filled with fields of sunflowers.

They became blurs of yellow, but they still made me smile.

Florence was very hot, but the people were nice.
I bought some Roman strappy sandals. Because Florence is known for their leather.

And for its art.
I saw this guy:
And the birthing of Venus as well. Not to mention many Virgin Mary's with her Son.

Also, my first experience in a hostel.
[I seem to attract Asians...or am always drawn to them].

Friday, July 20, 2007

the golden birthday

Today, I am 20.
I slept in.
I ate my morning cornetto.
I received many warm fuzzies.
I decided that wild and adrenaline-pumping acts can still take place when I'm in my twenties, after partaking in a what I thought was my last wild and adrenaline-pumping act.
Then, I went back to what I love, no matter where I am in the world...
the sand, the sun, and the beach.

The teen years are gone. What is left to come is much better.
I will be taking on the world next, on my scooter.


Monday, July 16, 2007

berlin surprises

a quick jaunt up north for the weekend, to surprise julio for his birthday.

jason and i have been conspiring for some time now, and it was perfectly executed.
what a joy to see familiar faces...

quite the contrast from rome, but a very enjoyable city.
rich history, tall buildings, modernity.

blueberry cake and walls and checkpoints and pictures and graffiti and doners.
dining and dancing, and no more high heels (on my honor).

a rush to the airport, and no time to cry.
and a hug that has to last for the next 5 months.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Last night, we sat under the stars of the night sky painted on the ceiling of Chiesa Santa Maria Sopa Minerva. And we listened to the church fill with waves of sorrow and loss in an opera by Giuseppe Verdi. It was peaceful, to close my eyes and take it in.

We stepped along the cobble stoned pathways around the Fontana di Trevi, searching for the great San Crispino, only to have just missed it, and settling for some “lesser" gelato. The espresso kept me up all night.

But at the least, today, I began to blend in once again. Exchanging smiles with the Italians, being mistaken for a "signorina," walking down Via delle Quattro Fontane with a warm baguette and a carton of wine in my arms. It was a simple evening, cooking an even simpler meal. But it was a good one.

Some shots from the weekend:
Colosseo 7/6/07


Roman Subway 7/7

Villa Adriana 7/7

Chiesa di San Ignatius 7/8

Thursday, July 5, 2007

i love...

cornetto mornings outside on the patio...

a morning meeting of the entire staff from around the world, sipping Italian coffee and hearing about the cool projects the organization is working on [as well as Kwezi's "motivational talks" related to him driving around Rome].

It is a beautiful day today, and it bodes well for a splendid weekend [Both because I can now be the writer I wanted to be, and for the Tuscan adventure to come].

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

And a few pictures as promised:

Leaving the Chiesa Trinita dei Monti 6/29

Sperlonga 6/30

Loud Public Transportation 7/2

Dining Al Fresco

on this lovely American Independence Day...

Dining with American expats and Brits [who said, "Good riddance to you, anyway..."], bashing on American politics and Bush (what else is new?). Journalists, biologists, writers and thinkers...talking about Jon Stewart and Paris Hilton and Al Gore...

Feasting on a BBQ cookout with red wine and mojitos, [and don't forget the cheese and crackers!].

Sitting out on the patio to enjoy the cool summer breezes, under a tree with lemons that looked like there were going to burst.

And we almost did with the amount of food we ate. "buon appetito" and we enjoyed it, indeed.

An interesting Independence Day away from home, but surrounded by people who left home wholeheartedly and made their lives elsewhere...

I've said that I can do it...but I'm not so sure anymore.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


Said hello to some sites this weekend:

-Piazza Venezia
-Fontana di Trevi
-The Spanish Steps
-Sperlonga Beach

Floated in the Mediterranean...Bronzed like the Italians...

*Must learn how to cook - if you have some good recipes for meats, e-mail them to me.
ciao ciao