Saturday, August 11, 2007

Languages, Parks, and Vonnegut

Amazing experience last night sitting at Pizzeria da Baffetto with a motley crew of Europeans.
3 French people, 1 German, 1 Italian, and 2 Americans

We met outside in line, and were invited to have dinner with them...Nevio was the ring leader, speaking English, Italian and French, translating back and forth.

I was ecstatic to practice my French and hear about life in Europe.

Also, went to my new favorite Roman place, and found a fountain, which I now think is my favorite fountain in the world. On our way, we got lost, and it started to rain. We were on a road with no sidewalks, and had to hug the walls so that cars wouldn't run as over. We walked for what seemed like forever, and just as we lost hope, we found an opening. It was like seeing the gates of heaven. Villa Doria Pamphili was amazing. The combination of cool weather, the sun setting, and lush green of the park made it a perfect place. I love parks.

As for today, we went to Castiglione del Lago...absolutely gorgeous. Lake Trasimeno was a giant dish of clear blue, warm bath water. Finally some clouds as we traveled through Umbria...the countryside looked so much greener because of it.

Making my way through Schlachthof-funf. Almost done, but really enjoying it.

"Billy Pilgrim says that the Universe does not look like a lot of bright little dots to the cretures from Tralfamadore. The creatures can see where each star has been and where it is going, so that the heavens are filled with rarefied, luminous spaghetti. And Tralfamadorians don't see human beings as two-legged creatures, either. They see them as great millepedes--'with babies' legs at one end and old people's legs at the other,' says Billy Pilgrim."


J.M. Harper said...

that sounds amazing. great quote, wherever it's from. do you know what that name means in german? "battle place." for a second there i thought it was schlafenhof. which means "sleaping blace". wow. "sleeping place." but my fingers were on the wrong keys. sleaping blace. i almost like that. JMH

J.M. Harper said...

wow, battle place five. slaughter house five. they definitely should have named it battle place five. i'll be sure to watch/read it.

what have i been up to? well...i think i'll write an update! JMH