Thursday, July 31, 2008

FINCA Update: Week 5

Finca Update: Week 5

Week 5 began with construction of the greenhouse in the new nursery, and Harold and Jóse were awesome about getting it done fast! In just two days, we had a standing nursery and I’m really excited to bring students in to learn about the greenhouse effect and germination.

We also took a visit to a nearby city, Ciudad Neily and went to the border of Panama, to a place called Paso Canoas as a day off from work. I realized how much nicer the weather is in Copa Buena since the elevation is much higher than these cities. It was so terribly hot and humid, so I have learned to be much thankful for the weather in Copa.

We had a really interesting seminar about Slow Food this past week, and I am more determined than ever to get a partnership set up with Princeton’s garden and the co-op. We also had a really interesting conversation about cultural sensitivity and what our presence in Copa Buena should be like. I hope that we are not viewed as a bunch of gringo/as on vacation, and that we are truly making a difference in the area. Overall, I think it’s important to conduct our business and interactions with humility. I have definitely learned a lot from the locals here, and I hope that they see our presence as beneficial to the community.

We ended the week with a much anticipated trip to the beach, and I was in heaven. We went to Dominical, this small little surf town (though it has definitely been gringo-fied), but I was able to get to know a few locals, and I really love their way of life there. Surf+local,organic foods=amazing. I really hope to return there and maybe one day have a place of my own to live there and give back to the community (hopefully I wouldn’t be like the other Americans there who are really looked negatively on by locals).

More updates coming up…only 2 weeks left, and I’m back home, but this is the final push before we bring in a class of students to the nursery!



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